StartM72 updated to version 0.33.8 ---- What's new in 0.33.8: - StartM72 can now be installed in any directory you wish. It will ask for M72.exe when needed. - PNG, Jpeg and BMP support - Flyers support: put them in dir Flyers\ No archive available yet :-( - Cabinets support: put them in dir Cabinets\ No archive available yet :-( - Different screenshothandeling (auto-conversion provided) - Game midi-files support: put them in dir Sound\.mid Small archive available on the Start-website, but help needed gathering more midi-files. So please send in any midi-files we are missing. - Game wav-files support: put them in dir Sound\.wav - Convert all screenshots to PNG format through optional downloadable Nconvert.exe - Large Icons/Small Icons/List/Details view - Details: zipname, zipdate - Sorting an all columns in the gamelist (ascending/descending). - Hottracking on the gamelist (optional). - User selectable Font + Color (text and background) for gamelist. - A Spanish translation of the docs is already available. The others will follow soon.