1.29 - Disabled the SPC700 noise feature simulation used by Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 3 until I work out why its being triggered by sound effects that don't use it. - Rewrote/reorganised the DirectX and 3D/fx handling code, now both are never enabled at the same time in Snes9X. It might fix the crashing problems some Window port users are seeing. Changing between DirectX and Voodoo 3D/fx modes now requires Snes9X to be restarted. - Tracked down and fixed the Chrono Trigger black screen problem on the Windows port: a rogue asm instruction was left in by mistake after some code edits - it was only by chance that the code worked on the Linux port. - Added some SNES debug options to the Windows port, but disabled by default, on the shipped version. - Clicking on the column headings in the OpenROM dialog in the Windows port now sorts by that column; plus added some slight screen update optimisations. - Added an optimisation to graphics rendering: don't add or subtract sub-screen from background layers, or clear the sub-screen, if SNES fixed colour is black and no background layers are enabled on sub-screen, even if ROM tries to enable translucency effects for every background layer. Discovered Sonic was doing this, there will be others. - Forgot to enable auto S-RAM save on Windows port, oops!