0.3b2 ----- Program: Techmaster - Fixed Default 'Roms' and 'Samples' Directory Creation Routine. Program was trying to create the 2 folders in a possibly nonexistant folder(\My Documents\Mamece\ folder which WinCE didn't like in any case). I changed it to create the 2 folders in \Program Files\MameCE\ and Storage Card\MameCE\ . This should satisfy both the people who want to keep MameCE in ram and those of us who want to keep the whole thing on CF Cards. - Fixed 'Roms' and 'Samples' directory searching Routine. When WinCE starts it will now detect roms and samples in the following locations: .\roms;\Storage Card\MameCE\roms;\Program Files\MameCE\roms;\My Documents\MameCE\roms .\samples;\Storage Card\MameCE\samples;\Program Files\MameCE\samples;\My Documents\MameCE\samples Source: The above changes were made in Mamece.c and Options.c These 2 files are included in the MameceSourceUpdate.zip File. 0.3b1 ----- Program: Fabrice Frances- - colors are correct again (it was a small typo of Ben) - rewritten dirty buffer and display routines in order to forget all refresh problems, it might be a little faster too - better usage of screen estate, so that most (nearly all) games now fit in the screen without compression (I've removed compression too, I didn't like it) Techmaster- Rebuilt Resource File missing from ben's Source. This file adds the Options item back to the Toolbar and relinks them to the approriate Function. Also corrected the "About" dialog to reflect the version change. Source: The 3 modified files are GDIdisplay.c, dirty.h and dirty.c The modified resource file is MAMECE.rc 0.3 ---- Program: Ben Cooley- - Graphics optimization routines have been added. These routines re-convert the sprites in the MAME sprite tables into optimal formats. These options are as follows: Optimize Flipping: Converts sprites which need to be flipped into re-flipped bitmaps. Saves time flipping them every draw. Optimize Alignment: Creates a pre-aligned sprite for each four byte increment so 32bit aligned draws can be performed foreach sprite draw. Optimize Pens: Converts each sprite into a pre-paletized bitmap. Saves time in mame by allowing sprites to be directly drawn to mame's video buffers with 32 bit aligned blits instead of having to individually palettize each pixel. This option causes problems with transparency in some games. If you notice a game with blocky sprites.. turn this option off. These options give a 20-25% increase in video performance in some games. Unfortunately. games like Galaga are slow because of the time needed to emulate it's three Z80 processors (which still are taking up the lyon share of the processing time). Also.. because of increased memory usage.. these options tend to cause more processor cache thrashing.. which seems to negate some of their added efficiency :-(. - Optimization for Z80 memory access. Z80 memory reads are slightly faster. - Optimization for Galaga video drivers. Galaga should run slightly faster. Source: